
Ladies' Class -

Women flourish and grow in community with one another. The Cornerstone Ladies’ Class recognizes this and seeks to provide a welcoming and safe environment for women of all ages and circumstances to share and grow together.

Our class provides an opportunity for fellowship, worship and offer a more immersive experience to promote deeper connections with each other and with Jesus.

Whether you are young or old, single, married or divorced; whether you are a parent or not, or even a grandparent, the Cornerstone Ladies' Sunday School Class offers a place to connect and belong.

Contact: Judy Sanders

Men's Class

Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
(Proverbs 27:17)

Men don’t like to admit that we need other men to grow alongside, hold us accountable, and to accomplish greater goals. But the truth is, we do.

The Cornerstone Men’s Ministry provides opportunities to get together to learn about the gospel, and share that gospel to others and of course, to eat. And since men are all about getting things done, in addition to regular get-togethers, we also work on projects around the Cornerstone campus and in the community to help others.

Men of all ages can find a place and a purpose at Cornerstone.

Contact: Ralph Weems

 Young Adult

Throughout the ages of 21-50 you can be so many different things; college student, young professional, married, single, married with 5 kids, and the list goes on. As, confusing as all of that can be one thing remains the same for everyone. Life is hard and you shouldn’t do it alone. That’s where we come in.

The young adults at Cornerstone are a group of like-minded people who gather together with the purpose of deepening our relationships with Christ through in-depth studies of scripture, service, and fellowship with one another. We meet together a for Sunday School each Sunday morning at 9:30 AM.  All are welcome!

Contact: Rebecca DeSantis


The Seekers' Class -

Each Sunday we seek to grow deeper in our understanding of Jesus Christ and His ways by studying the individual books of the Bible. We use supplemental videos and discussion topics to delve deeper into the Biblical topics. Our class participant ages range from 50-90 years old.

Contact :  Freddie Brister


 Missions -

At Cornerstone, we believe that the Jesus called us to move outside our walls and strive to meet the needs of people where they are. Because of this, we are active in numerous missions efforts locally, regionally, and internationally. Here are just a few of the ways in which we strive to meet the needs of others with the love of Jesus.


Build-A-Bed with the Dream Center

West Point Emmaus Community

The Mission

Contact: Debbie Hinshaw

 Men's Breakfast -

Each first Sunday of the month, the men gather together for a time of worship.  Breakfast is served and a guest speaker brings a message of encouragement for our daily lives.  All men are welcome and we encourage guests to come and enjoy fellowship with us.

Contact: Chuck Carson

 O.W.L.S - Older, Wiser, Livelier Saints

The Older, Wiser, Livelier Saints is a group open to all 65 years young plus!  We meet the first Wednesday of each month for a pot-luck meal and a program.  Our speakers present a devotional and/or a presentation on a relevant topic for our age group such as "Ways to Identify Scams", etc.  We would love to have you join us!

Contact: Melanie Sanders

Ladies Bible Study -  

Ladies of all ages are welcome to join us as we select and delve into various Bible studies throughout the year.  We meet on Wednesday nights at 5: 45 PM at the church.

Contact: Rebecca DeSantis


Chancel Choir - Ages 18 and up are welcome to worship the Lord with us through song!  We meet on Wednesday nights at 5:00 PM for an hour to prepare music for congregational worship along with special programs such as a Christmas Contata. No prior experience is necessary, just a joyful heart to praise Him.

Contact: Polly Grimes